Grow your fashion business with Itsperfect
Choosing the right ERP solution can be challenging. Itsperfect stands out among 450 fashion brands, including Bench, No Excess, and DAWN, as the ideal ERP for the fashion industry.
In this interview in TextilWirtschaft (TW48), Stefan Methorst, founder & CEO, and Kimm van Splunter Mazer, Head of Scaling & Marketing, shed light on what makes Itsperfect perfect for small, large, and growing companies in the fashion sector.
In three sentences or less, please explain what Itsperfect does.
Stefan Methorst: Itsperfect is a future-proof enterprise resource planning (ERP) system designed exclusively for the fashion industry, offering all essential features and modules for wholesalers in a single solution. It is fully cloud-based and right now offers more than 50 out-of-the-box integrations with well-known partners like Shopify, Shopware, Tradebyte, ChannelEngine, and Datev.
What sets Itsperfect apart from other ERP solutions?
Kimm: You only need one solution and have everything in place for all your fashion processes, from design and purchasing to reporting – everything is integrated into one system. We bring together all your sales channels, from our in-house built B2B webshop and retail module with POS, to out-of-the-box integrations with marketplaces and e-commerce webshops. We have our warehouse management system, product lifecycle management, vendor managed inventory, and so much more. We have endless possibilities to make that next step.
Stefan: We update the software quarterly – for everyone. The updates are completely automatic and based on market opportunities and the wishes of our customers. We maintain a list of customer requests, actively prioritizing them, and subsequently incorporate the most impactful ones into each new version of our software. And make them available to all Itsperfect users, which is unique. This way, everyone profits from everyone else’s feedback. With other ERP software, whenever a new module or integration is developed it is often done individually under high costs to each company – we only do it once, and offer it to everyone.
Kimm: We proactively assess market dynamics to pinpoint critical concerns for our clients, such as sustainability and actively work towards creating solutions. Our focus is on understanding the specific needs of brands and aligning them with market demands, ensuring sustainable growth for companies in the industry.
That’s what makes Itsperfect perfect?
Stefan: Exactly! With every release, you get access to forty to fifty new features. And we continuously work on making it smarter with every release.
Kimm: We believe that fashion brands should be creative and focus on their business. When we talk about ERP, people often think about confusing and complex traditional systems, like SAP, but we do it completely differently. The perfect solution for fashion brands is intuitive, available from any device, with real-time data to give you overview and insight. And very user-friendly, everyone can use it without a lot of IT knowledge – which saves time and money. To prove this you can request a link to a demo account on our website and try everything yourself.
Is Itsperfect suitable for companies of every size?
Stefan: Absolutely! Depending on your company’s size and what you need, you can mix and match modules and add users to set up a system that’s just right for you. From start-up to enterprise.
Kimm: We host our own Appstore within the ERP system, where every module and integration are just a couple of clicks away. Operating on a monthly subscription basis, it’s scalable almost in real-time. Supporting our clients in their growth, learning from them, and maintaining transparency about expected costs is crucial to us. That’s why we provide a pricing calculator on our website.
Stefan: We keep our finger on the pulse of the latest trends and maintain strong partnerships with our clients. Ultimately, our goal is for Itsperfect to be the most modern and user-friendly ERP solution for everyone in the fashion industry, from smaller labels to major players.
This article is originally published in German in TextilWirtschaft magazine TW48